Sunday, December 15, 2013

[15/10/2013] Contextual Studies: Production 02: Report 02.

I'm sorry for the lack of updates for this subject, we were all busy with other assignments especially Mr. Ernesto's since the dateline for his assignments were super close during this time, with the trips to Pangkor Island and Beijing being in between the dateline so everyone was trying to compute with both things.

For this report, I'm going to talk about the scenes we did in Annabel's house for the surgery scene.

It's the scene where we (Alex, Zara, Adauza and Elle) did a sort of a brain surgery to put in the microchip to make the body move. With the help of Annabel's sister, she got to be the person who is going to get the brain surgery and bonus she'll be in the film as well!

I think we did a good job in covering the top of the head so it looks more surreal. 

A closer look on it.

On the first picture, the lighting is focused on the head because that's where the important scene will take part. The neurologist (me) will be "cutting" part of the head to put in the microchip.

After that we shot a scene where the "cannibal" eaitng a part of Adauza's body. Sadly, due to circumstances and spoilers issues. We decided to not put pictures here because we do not want to spoil the suspense.

Other than that we shot the scene where Alex finds Zara's body. 
The last scene we shot was for the ending of the film which was............................................ nope not gonna tell you guys what it is, looks like you guys have to find out yourself by watching it this Thursday at Lecture Hall 10 at 2:00pm - 5:00pm. Note that the theme is formal so dress nice!


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