Monday, November 7, 2016

[05&06/11/2016] Community Service Initiative - The last remaining 18 hours = 0 hours left.

Finally! The time has come where we go to Amcorp Mall and start raising some funds for PPOC buy selling their handmade products.

Since there are 8 of us, we divided into 2 groups, 4 people come on Saturday and the other 4 come on Sunday but with an exception of me and Annabel coming both days to supervise and we were in charged to hold the things needed that day and Stephnie for video taking.

On Saturday, Eka, Raymond, Stephnie, Annabel and me were the first people to start the fundraising. Our spot were by the escalator where people use to go up to 1st floor and go down to ground floor. We all think it was a good spot as people go by there a lot to use the escalator and they can't help but to look around at what we're selling.

We were there for 9 hours which was from 9am-6pm for both days.

The first 5 people to come on Saturday (sans Annabel, she was taking the photo)

For the first day, we sold a total of RM156. There were people (mostly women) buying the tote bags, hand towels and pouches but the pouches made more sale compare to the others. As a team, we took turns to walk around and having our lunch break, exploring the mall and looking at the flea market. Raymond went crazy over the flea market, I think he fell in love with the mall.

On this day as well, our respective lecturer, Ms. Noorseah took the time to come and visit us with her daughters and bought herself a tote bag.

On the 2nd day, it was Nicoule, Gracia and Erin's turn to tend the booth, me and Annabel were there to give a hand. This time our spot wasn't at a really good spot.

We were hidden away in the center where less people would come in and walk. People would mostly make one round without taking a "shortcut" at the center where we were located at but surprisingly we sold more on this day because our member herself bought a few for herself to bring home and once again the pouches caught people attention.

Us 5 working on Sunday.

The profits we got from both days. A total of RM361 was sold that day.

In conclusion, it was a great experience having to tend the booth and catering the customers. There were a lot of people that was interested in buying the tote bags but the moment they heard the price, they straight away changed their mind, I guess it was too expensive for them considering it's a flea market and some of them tried to bargain to which with permission of Ms. Amy, we did gave discounts to some customer. I feel like the price was the cost of the lack of profits from both days and maybe how we appeal to the customer. Some vendors, they only have 1 or at least 2 tending their booth but for us we had 5 people tending the booth and we look like we didn't fit in the atmosphere as most of the vendors are adults to elderly. 

But it was still a great experience pretending it's your own 'business'.

[02/11/2016] Community Service Initiative - The next 2 hours = 18 hours left.

During semester break, few days before our fundraising day, me and Annabel went shopping at IOI Mall, Puchong to get stuff we need for our booth especially the maroon coloured table cloth.

We made a list of things to bring and buy so that we don't forget anything on that day itself.

In the end we only ended up buying the table cloth, a stand to place our poster and printed our posters and stickers.

The poster were used to tell people that the process from the sale will be given to PPOC.
The stickers were used to package the products when customer come and buy.

[25&26/10/2016] Community Service Initiative - Next 2 hours = 20 hours left.

Since Mr. Ridzuan told us to come on the 25th October as that's the Tuesday of end of October but at 2pm which is after lunch because in the morning are the people who wants to book for the whole month. We only wanted to book for 2 days so they gave priority to the others first.

Me and Annabel made our way to Amcorp Tower to meet up with Mr. Ridzuan together with the products to show him what we're selling since it's their rule to show a physical product of what you're selling before booking.

So he explained to us how the booking process works, he would tell us that there's two wings, east and west and that the east wing is only open on Sunday and west open on both day and we are able to book the empty spot with no name written on it as he was showing the layout plan of the flea market. We chose the 1st floor, because we think it's a good floor that we can promote the products well. Since that will be the 1st floor people go up to from ground floor. We chose an empty spot that's by the escalator for Saturday and by the column in the middle for Sunday.

At first we booked for the week of Deepavali, 29th and 30th October since he said there's empty spots for that weekend, unfortunately after discussing with the group, some of us can't make it for that week, so we quickly called Mr. Ridzuan the next day asking if we can change to the next week (1st week of November) instead, he said yes and told us to come to the office after lunch to settle it. So we did and we changed the date to 5th and 6th November. The payment still remain as it is which was RM80 for both days. 

[18/10/2016] Community Service Initiative - The next 1 hour = 22 hours left.

After sharing with the group about my trip to Amcorp Mall, everyone agreed to book there and we've decided to do it during the first week of November which happen to be during our semester break.

Therefore, before going to book the place on the 25th October, we (me, Eka and Annabel) went to PPOC first to pick up the products and update Ms. Amy about our plan.

After taking few of the products with us, she explained to us the prices for each product.

We took quite a number of tote bags with various sizes, pouches and hand towels as you can see below.

[16/10/2016] Community Service Initiative - The next 1 hour = 23 hours left.

After Erin went to Amcorp Mall to get information, she suggest we should go to the flea market one of the weekends to get the feel of the flow of the flea market and how it works. So I took the initiative to actually do that, with the help of my friend, we went to the mall on Sunday (16th October 2016) at 10am.

Amcorp Mall has to side, east wing and west wing. Both wings had flea market vendors around the corridors of shops on the lower ground, 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors. Each floors you can find various unique antiques products that are sold by these vendors. While I was going around looking and surveying, I realised that I've actually been to the flea market with my mum a few times last time, so I'm aware of how the flea market works and some of the vendors are the same ones from last time as well. So basically these vendors are probably a permanent vendors for the flea market.

There's also flea market outside the mall at the entrance but the price is different and there's not much vendors compare to inside.

How to differentiate is the colour of the table cloth, for outside they used a yellow one while inside they used a maroon table cloth.

Flea market at the entrance of the mall.

Flea market inside the mall.

Flea market at lower ground floor.

[05/10/2016] Community Service Initiative - The next 3 hours = 24 hours left.

On this day, only Erin did the task.

She went to visit both Publika and Amcorp Mall to give out our proposal to book the venue.

She could only take pictures when she visited Amcorp Mall. The management office was located next to the mall called the Amcorp Tower and the office was located at 3rd floor. The guy in charge was Mr. Ridzuan.

He gaves us these papers with information on how the flea market works. Since we plan to do 2 days on a weekend, it will only cost RM80. 

And we could only book every Tuesday end of the month and it is a first come first serve basis. Basically she only went there to ask information and give out our proposal, we haven't decided when to book yet at that time. 

As for Publika, when Erin went there, she said the person in charge wasn't in charge so she left the proposal to the secretary and wait for a call back but in the end they never called us back.

So at this point, we finalized our choice to do it in Amcorp Mall.

[01/10/2016] Community Service Initiative - The next 1 hour = 27 hours left.

2 weeks have passed and we finally get to go visit PPOC with Ms. Noorseah together with the other group. For this trip only me, Annabel, Eka, Gracia and Nicoule could make it.

Before going to the place, we thought that we should bring our proposal and show it to them to get opinions and approval as we thought we should come prepared.

The reason why we spent only 1 hour there was because we only had to get approval and discuss with Ms. Amy, who was in charge to attend us that day. After getting approval and discussion, we got to dismiss ourselves.

On that day, Ms. Amy told us that the person in charge to give approvals to our proposal wasn't in so we gave her the copy of the proposal to give it to the person in charge and she would email it to Annabel. So we just told her what was our plan, when we told her about booking at Publika and the price, she suggested maybe we should try booking at Amcorp Mall because they had experienced selling it there as well and it was cheaper than Publika. So we gave it a thought as our second venue option.

At the same time, she showed us the products that we would sell which was the tote bags, pouches and hand towels. She also explained to us the price range for each tote bags as they were different sizes for each tote bags.

Personal opinion on the products, I think the tote bags are really pretty and good quality. The pattern they chose are really nice and up to the trend. It's definitely something people would buy but sadly the tote bags are quite pricey. So selling these at our campus ground would be a bad choice since I feel like the students there wouldn't spend their money on it. So we definitely decided to sell them at a mall instead since there'll be various people of ages.

[14/09/2016] Community Service Initiative - The first 2 hours = 28 hours left.

For our Community Service Initiative module, Ms. Noorseah divided us 4 different groups with 2 groups each doing 2 different community service at 2 different places.

Persatuan Pemulihan Orang-Orang Cacat Selangor & Wilayah Persekutuan (PPOC)
1. One group consists of 8 people involving with the raising of funds for the community by selling their hand-made tote bags, pouches and hand towels.
2. One group consists of 8 people involving in producing a simple product that they can make together with the disabled people at the community.

Pusat Penyayang Bakti
1. One group consists of 8 people involving in doing interior work.
2. One group consists of 8 people involving in doing exterior work.

As for me, I chose to be in the 1st group for PPOC. Together with Eka, Annabel, Raymond, Gracia, Erin, Stephnie and Nicoule.

We had to complete 30 hours of social engagement activities and other related work.

We had our first group discussion on this day to plan our journey on this fundraising project and we used up our first 2 hours and so we had 28 hours left to use.

During this discussion we discussed where we want to do the fundraising, specifically which mall. Taylor's University was our last choice since we thought that it won't sell well if we do it in campus. So we tried to come out with few choices before deciding where. The choices we collected were:

1. Bangsar Shopping Complex
2. Publika
3. Amcorp Mall
4. Nu Sentral

As a group we decided to choose Publika as we thought that area would appreciate the kind of charity we're doing. So we searched for contact information online and Raymond called them for us to ask details on booking a place there. We asked Raymond to do it because he has experience handling with the management people when it comes to booking places especially in Taylor's University. What I remember from the call was that to book the place we had to prepare a proposal and email it to them and the cost would be RM8000 and if it's for charity they would consider giving a lower price.

Notes written down from the call Raymond had with person in charge (PIC) for Publika.

After calling them, we started discussing how to produce our proposal to give out to the management of the malls. We mainly discussed the content to put in the proposal especially the date we want to do the fundraising.

Annabel designed a logo just an identity for us also for fun which you can see below.

Proposal done for Publika.

After finishing the proposal for Publika, we decided to have a second option for the venue because we thought the booking fee was too expensive for us. 

Friday, September 9, 2016

[09/09/2016] Advanced Interior Design Projects I: Project 1 - Cultivating the Sea - Float Farming.

My final year officially starts. Currently in semester 6 and just one more semester to go till I graduate.

For this project 1, is just a starter pack to our final project for this module. We are required to come with a device for an activity related to the sea. Per say, you choose scuba diving as your activity, then you have to design a device that's useful for the divers to use or from an existing device, you try to improve it.

But before starting on anything, we had to research and understand the project title. So I did exactly that. I researched what "Cultivating the Sea" and "Float Farming" means. From what I found, both are similar in definition.

Cultivating the sea is basically contributing with sea to produce something. Example above is a group of scuba diver experts build a balloon-like pods underwater to try and grow vegetables by using the hydrophonics method.

The two sentences given in the project title are basically saying that we are always meeting future demands. When land is limited, we resort to using the ocean.

Going into the project itself, I had 3 different ideas.

1. Scuba diving as my activity and thought of a device where they are able to scan/capture marine lives and it will tell you the facts and information about that marine life.

2. Tourism as my activity and thought of a device where you can detect when the dolphins comes and swim in groups for the tourist to enjoy.

3. Scuba diving as my activity again and thought of a built-in camera goggles where the camera are the lens of the goggles.

After showing these ideas to the lecturer, we conclude with me doing my first idea but changed it to being an app instead. So for this project's submission I have to submit an interface design of my app. Show the panels how my app will work.

But before designing the interface, I had to think like the end user and list down the pros and cons of scuba diving and also the rules and with this list, I try to include solutions through my app. With the help of my cousin whom has experience in scuba diving and the Internet, I managed to list down the issues without problem.

Then I started doing a draft of how my app is going to look like and create a logo and name for my app. To which I named it as "CAPTUM" it's Latin for the word 'capture' and also because the whole point of this app is to 'capture the marine life'.

I designed the logo by using the camera aperture symbol and a fish/fish fin to represent the app. It is an easier to explain the whole meaning behind the logo 'CAPTURING THE MARINE LIFE'.

After having our pin-up last Thursday (8th September 2016), my lecturers told me to make it more interesting. Instead of a typical app, make it into an interacting app. Like a game. They told me to look more into Pokemon Go and then design the interface.

So after getting the feedbacks, I listed down how I want my app to work as a game. Of course I want the game to be available offline, to be able to play without the need of an internet. Since the players will be underwater and your mobile data won't work properly when you're deep inside.

The player has to capture a few amount of fish in a category in order to activate the information so they will be able to get information.

Updated at 2:13PM: My friend just said that it's possible to use your data in deep ocean as long as there's line. Therefore, making my game app a game that needs Internet is possible!

After listing everything down, I tried making the interface design on Photoshop.

Still in the process of trial and error.